You don't want to know, do you. But if you're reading this u have 2! On general conference weekend/ 2 weeks ago, we got a new t.v.! It's so cool. It hangs on the wall. Below it is the set that now includes a blue ray disc player. here's a picture: Sorry it's blury! I was in a rush. The first one wasn't better though. it's big, isn't it? the blue thing is the sign that you haven't pushed any buttens in a while sign for the blue ray player. I had a sleep over with grandma and grandpa last night. the kids spent the night too. we watched Beverly Hills Chuiuaua (sp?) together. Then Korryn and Gavin had to go to bed. Lexi and I got to watch Winky's Horse. We ended up going to bed at 10:oo! Tonight Dad is having a party. Gavin just had a t-ball game. I ran the track more then half the time. the track is a quarter mile, I did 2 laps. with only 3 breaks. 1 long. 2 short. During the party the kids and i will have a party at the tracys house. we will watch ...