Seventh Grade
So much for trying harder to blog! Well, now I'm in seventh grade and Social Studies is my favorite subject. Mostly because I got an A+ in it and scored the highest score that my teacher and every other sixth grade teacher in the school has ever seen........ 513 out of 100! I'm so happy still! Anyway, I'm not enjoying seventh grade...... yet. Three of my teachers are super dull and boring, those one all have beards. Coincedence? I don't know, maybe all boring people have beards. The other teacher isn't dull, he teaches social studies, has an AWESOME classroom, has two cute little boys, and doesn't have a beard. Did I mention he's my favorite teacher so far? Each trimester I have the same teacher twice. But the three super dull and boring ones are the ones that I get twice. That's twice the super dull and boringness! This year, there are new popular things to wear. Feathers are still way up on the chart. 'If a million people do foolish thing it is st...