Girls Camp
Since my moM never posts aNymore (cough cough) I guess that it's my rEsponsibility to fill in for her. EvEn though noboDy even readS my blog anymore. I'm randomly capitalizing leTters for fun, sO don't Pay any attentiOn to that. I came back from GirlS Camp last week. It was all rainy and gloomy, so iT wasn't as fun as my first yeAr. Whatever, it doesn't matter because it was still pretty awesome anyway. The first day the second years went raftinG. Unfortuanately, it rained that day and it was freezing. Brrr! I feel bAd for the people who rafted on Tuesday because my sister has an otter pop problem. Totally unrelated story, sorry. But they had to raft in the POURING RAIN. The highlight of Tuesday: I can't remember. It was a pretty long day. But then again, they all were. Monday night I remember we played glow in the dark capture the flag. My team won. It was kind of funny (yet aggrIvating) that t...