So, as you know by my previous posts, I'm officially done with middle school. Which is, in itself, fantabulous (that's a funny nonexistent word). But, even better, is that summer comes right after it. In Oregon, I don't really know if you can call it summer. Yeah, it's a little warmer outside, but it's not like there's ninety degree heat for a week straight. It's July, for cryin' out loud! SO...yup, 'summer.' Let me work my way backwards on this. Because, y'know, I never blog anymore, I have to let everybody know everything about my life no matter how long the post is. Haha. Remember forever ago when I posted about going to the fish hatchery. It must've been three or four years ago. That's really qualifies as forever. Well, we went again the other day. It was nice, sunny, there were ducks. There were fish. Definitely lots of fish. Yup, that's the fish hatchery for ya. There were baby ducks too. And that is about it...(though I h...
Aunt Tiff