Well, now it's Summer and I'm absolutely stoked for what could happen! I'm planning on working on a lot of my writing this break. And I have to beg my parents so we can go to the beach. I'm really excited this year! I mean, I'm practically an eighth grader and I have so many more friends to spend it with. Besides that, I feel myself getting girlier, and I'm loving that too. Now I  actually have money to spend because I have a few babysitting 'clients'. A few weeks ago I bought myself a Kindle Touch. Yay! Now I can read whatever I want whenever I want as long as it's within my price range. That was surely an amazing profit!
I guess I'll go through the last week and a half:
On the last day of school (which already seems forever ago) all of my friends agreed to bring something to share for lunch. I brought cookies, Samantha brought chips, Michelle insisted on bringing Subway, Mary brought popcorn (popcorn!), and Amberle brought Hershey's Kisses. Best lunch ever!
The next day I went to my Jr. Olympics. I had my first win of the season (it was my utter luck that my only competitor happened to be sick) and improved from my first time by two minutes. Which is actually a lot in the world of shorter races. Short races as in two miles, not short to some people, just making what I meant by short be clear.
Next week I have Girls' Camp! So that will be fun because I know all the people this year and one of my YCLs in our ward. So...yah. That's that. And this Sunday is the Young Woman's program....which I still haven't written a talk for


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