Imagine Yourself As Me Part II

Well, where did I leave off? Let's see. Oh, yeah, now I kind of remember. Might have to reread some things though.

On the first day of school, you're the only one who bolts their hand in the air when the teacher asks what a square is. Honestly, you think that everybody in there is idiotic. The guy sitting next to you doesn't even pay attention. And when you get problems to do, he doesn't even open his math book. And honestly, you're not used to this. You're used to people taking their time. And now even you don't have to take your time. You rush through and are the first to drop your pencil. The first one to break the silence of concentrating people. Meanwhile, you were thinking about what you would talk to your friends about later. That's right, first one done and not even thinking about the equation. And you just figured out how to use brackets outside of parentheses.
First one done with a quiz and the homework when other people only completed the quiz. You did 11 questions, most everybody did three. That's right, you are certainly the smartest person in this class.
The kids who were in advanced math last year get a special "challenge" worksheet. Yeah, right. You'd already finished half of the first one that was passed out. Most people were still working on the first problem. You do the first nine problems by yourself and then move up to the guy in front of you who got the same worksheet. The guy that was so sympathetic. The one who actually cared that you were so upset and angry up this.
So you start doing the rest of the problems with him. Another kid joins you, crowding the small desk in a flurry of papers, pencils, and (don't ask), a licked calculator. You three ask if the other girl wants to come too. Nope, she didn't. And you totally forgot about the other kid.
Later on, the first guy and the one girl admitted to not doing their homework last year. That's why they weren't in advanced math this year. Understandable. But you and the other guy did everything you could. Going in after school and everything to fix up grades that had turned into unwelcome "B"s. You even worked three times as hard on the last trimester to finish of with an "A" instead of the "B+"s you'd been earning all year.
Okay, that's all. There could be a part three, but I don't know.


Alyson Dow said…
Okay. I admit it: I'm a brat :p

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